Sunday, February 24, 2008

Going Green Beyond the Obvious!

Going Green beyond the obvious is my goal. Currently, I incorporate the following environmental practices into my everyday life:

1. My children and I follow a vegetarian diet
2. I bring cloth/recycled bags to the grocery store
3. I use green electricity in my home
4. I purchase and use recycled paper for my business and personal use
5. I recycle my ink cartridges
6. I recycle bottles, cans, - all things recyclable in the kitchen
7. I buy local when possible
8. I turn off lights when not in use
9. I turn off the water while brushing my teeth
10. I unplug electronics and appliances when not in use
11. I use energy-efficient light bulbs
12. I use earth-friendly sanitary products
13. I use earth-friendly cleaning supplies and soaps in my home

So besides these simple everyday things that actually don't take much effort (mostly) - I want to go above and beyond!


freez said...

i love everything you're doing. I'm gonna start sprouting. It saves $$ on the food bill, provides nutrition and knowledge of how things grow. We are the world, let's live like it.

Sis Njideka said...

My daughter & I and several other homeschooling families here in Indy made our first solar ovens yesterday. Our family sincerely intends to use this project to launch our solar (& other alternative energy) usage. My family is about to purchase rainbarrels from a lady who makes them here also.

What types of alternative energy do you consistently use? What are your future goals to bump up your current strategies?

Thanks again for all you do. I will order your new book soon.

Sis Njideka

Solar Earth Mom said...

I pay a little extra to have "green" energy in my home which can be from wind or other sources...

I have yet to incorporate the rain barrels but I have a friend who is raising money for solar ovens in her hometown in Kenya where women are often harmed and walk very long distances to collect firewood just to cook.