Sunday, February 24, 2008

Going Green Beyond the Obvious!

Going Green beyond the obvious is my goal. Currently, I incorporate the following environmental practices into my everyday life:

1. My children and I follow a vegetarian diet
2. I bring cloth/recycled bags to the grocery store
3. I use green electricity in my home
4. I purchase and use recycled paper for my business and personal use
5. I recycle my ink cartridges
6. I recycle bottles, cans, - all things recyclable in the kitchen
7. I buy local when possible
8. I turn off lights when not in use
9. I turn off the water while brushing my teeth
10. I unplug electronics and appliances when not in use
11. I use energy-efficient light bulbs
12. I use earth-friendly sanitary products
13. I use earth-friendly cleaning supplies and soaps in my home

So besides these simple everyday things that actually don't take much effort (mostly) - I want to go above and beyond!

Welcome - The Foundation of Going Green!

Welcome to the Solar Earth Mom blog! I decided to start this blog to sort out the myriad information I get from my magazines, news articles, TV, festivals, etc. on going green.

As President of Solar Publishing, it is my personal and company goal to foster a sense of connection to nature and humanity in children and adults. I believe when this connection is fostered - children naturally want to take care of the Earth and its inhabitants because they feel the Earth is their Mother and the Earth's inhabitants are their sisters and brothers.

I am in complete agreement with Richard Louv ( who says that children are so plugged into TV and video games that they've lost their connection to the natural world. Solar Publishing is reconnecting children to this natural world! Awakening and acknowledging this connection is the foundation of "Going Green."